Sides hurt.
Holy fuck. Hilarious.
I am not a big video game guy, but I love this shit. People losing their minds online. Kill your team mates and listen to what happens. Hilarious.
Got to go to another work trip, this time to Toronto where we set up shop on the 21st floor of a hotel overlooking City Hall. Fun times...minus the broken AC. It felt like lunch time on Sunday at my folks house. A constant, ball dripping, 24 degrees. The midnight walk through the rain to the pub made me feel like a million bucks though, as did hearing Malkmus at the bar.

fawk! As I wait non patiently for my Dog Day vinyl package in the mail, I am cranking past tunes at a record pace. This tune in particuar takes Karl and I way back. Its "our song", if you will....well, one of our 7000 "Our Songs"
A handfull of poster requests have been made, so I have printed a couple more. One or two of which are throw aways, due to fuck ups. People seem to dig these so thats pretty kick ass! I got a message on DTS asking if I can send one to them because Bob Pollard himself would like one, and if I can spare another they would hang it at Rockathon Records. I am totally geeking out about that one.
I just put in an order for Dog Days latest album Deformer. From what I herd I am pretty pumped about it. Killer cover too....unlike Vee Vee.
Part Girl - DOG DAY from Seth Smith on Vimeo.
Merge is re releasing the next Archers of Loaf album in the new year, and I cannot wait. Bob Weston recorded and remastered? SIGN ME UP!
The best part is they re did that god awful album cover, which is painfully 90s. Killer album, horrible horrible artwork.
The best part is they re did that god awful album cover, which is painfully 90s. Killer album, horrible horrible artwork.