Sunday was way too nice to be inside, so I decided to build my movie screen frame. The screen itself is waiting for me at Gary's house so I will update this post once I get that bastard stapled onto this frame. So far its looking pretty cool.
Made off like a bandit today at Encore. My Ex-Cult order came in, the new Black Angels was released today, and I had no idea that there was a third Damaged Bug album out! Gonna make for a good soundtrack for my ride to Pittsburgh in a week.
The old piss coloured bed sheet has been ripped off the back shed, and plans for a new and improved screen for Shady Lane Drive-In is pencilled in. I ordered projection screen material which I will pick up at Garys place in a couple weeks, and the frame will be courtesy of Home Depot, 13 bucks from my wallet, and some elbow grease, which is free.
I have been marathoning Kenny Vs. Spenny again, and after watching the Who Is The Better Cook? episode the other night, I was stoked to try to make his blackened molasses ribs. They turned out ok I guess. I put in way too much ginger, which is great if you are into that sort of thing. I am not.