Been listening to Circulatory System a lot the past couple weeks. Couple of dudes from Olivia Tremor Control. Check out this cool video. ...
GBV playing a party for REM, talking about their fights with Sebadoh, and how Eddie Vedder became a fan....good read.Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Hunting Accidents: Being The Further...
From the Boston Spaceships twitter......something in my pants just moved."Exhausted but great progress today on 9 of the basic tracks. One song smacked of T. Lizzy; another the...
I love my job. ...
The pain in my throat from laughing so hard finally died down enough for me to post this.Instant classic. ...

What a year. Pavement and FNM back together. FNM doing a cover of Micheal Jacksons Ben no less hahaha. ...
Faith No More were joined by original frontman Chuck Mosley for a handful of songs for their third and final show at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco,...
Pre party at Shoeless Joes followed by a parade down to BMO field. Fuckin awesome times.So much fun. ...

Pollard Tune of the Day:It Is Divine from Go Back Snowball.Go back snowball - It is divine downloadfound at bomb-mp3 search engine ...
What in the fuck?!?! Just reading up on Matt Sweeny (the guitarist from one of the best bands ever CHAVEZ.) Turns out he has a band now with...
God fuckin dammit I love Times New Viking today.Go get PRESENT THE PAISLEY REICH right now and crank HIDING IN MACHINES. Just saying. ...
I am in the middle of moving right now, back to Waterloo. Closer to work which is awesome, so I will be able to save a shit load...
New video, and pretty much the scariest thing I ever seen. David Lynch eat your heart out. ...

Thoughts? ...

I am thinking of getting some T Shirts made up for this years Heedfest.Quadroheedia Heedfest 4 July 8-10$60 per person which includes:Friday:Bus (to and from Canal Street)Robert Pollard...
A viewing of Dr Butcher MD (Medical Deviate) AKA Zombi Holocaust will be taking place tonight. Bring your beer and barf bag. ...