So I used a Diamond Nights song in a video I made at work. Long story short, Liana was always in touch with the singer and without me...
I just made a mix tape of my Jay Reatard vinyl. Made a cover too using someones awesome illustration made to look like Andrew WK. I just made...
This TV comes in handy. Nothing like having the sweet visuals of Eraserhead while I work and render. ...
So Erin got all fired up to redo mine and Kyles office. Found a bunch of plants, another desk, a flat screen TV, and some lamps and boo...

The Concert Factory presents Norm MacDonald with Kevin FarleyPerhaps best known for his offbeat delivery of "the fake news" on Saturday Night Live for five seasons, Norm Macdonald...
The AxMan came over mid afternoon. We hung out for a bit and then went on an epic walk to The Kruppa House. We managed to stop at...
Pretty awesome Xmas today. Pappa B is home from the hospital. Had a big fucking dinner. Jeremy came over last night (Our Xmas Eve tradition) as did Ned...
Tony sent me what is probably the best photo I have ever received in my inbox. ...
Karl spent the weekend, and as predicted, awesome and fun times. ...
Hanging out and waiting for Tron later on. Fkya. - Posted from my jPhoneLocation:Jackson Ave,Kitchener,Canada ...
Good reading over at this link. Debating and voting on what is better, the cover or the original song. The part that makes me smile is seeing a...
Good week for my record collection!DEEP DEEP DOWN!!Whitey Houston:DEATH: ...
I drew a big picture of Erin on the wall of her desk. I drew a big picture of Erin on the wall of her desk. ...
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } TONY: Hey fellas, Scored the tix a moment ago. Came in a few bucks cheaper than initially advertised. $37.35 per. JB, I've got...
I got the jimmy leg, antsy for this fucking show.WALKING HAND IN HANDWITH MY ADDICTION!ow! ...
Still fucking around with this app of mine. Gotta be my fav app on the iPhone. I tried to get all four walls in this photo and I...
If you were a fan of mid-'90s Can-rock you probably just peed your pants with excitement about that headline. The Headstones really are back... but for one night...