We had a pseudo going away BBQ for Greame this past Saturday, and a couple of people came on by. We had our first movie of the season...
This album has been impossible to turn off for the last two days. Go buy it jerks! ...
We hit up my old college town last night to check out the Sloan show. Patrick wasn't there due to a family emergency, which made for an interesting...
Two more sleeps until the new Jicks record drops at my Encore Records. I am so giddy. This short film should be viewed several times, and that closing...

Joe, Alyssa and I hit up the Mustang this past Saturday. One of my favourite places. Nothing quite like sitting in a sleeping bag burrito, under the stars,...

I just picked up my new The Bronx poster from Costco, where I got that whole "Plak It" thing done. $40 for a Plak > $300+ for custom...
Just converted an old futon into an outdoor lounger. If you need me you can find me out back. ...
Looks like the Protomartyrs have a new EP coming out, and have released this pretty wicked video. Let it also be known that I would not mind if...
We had a big burger BBQ last night to officially open up the patio. Bloats. We had a big burger BBQ last night to officially open up the...
The greatest weekend of the year has come and gone. Another fun week dahn in Pittsburgh. Blew this bastard just 45 minutes from Pittsburgh. Not fun. Gary's awesome...