Just scored this from the 'Core. Currently cranking at Shady Lane. ...
Self titled album out soon! Album art by MSI Design. THE WUXIS by THE WUXIS Below is the collection of singles art that I did for them. ...
Treephones lent me his VCR to USB cable, so naturally i captures this Pavement performance from one of my tapes, which I have never found on the YouTubes....
I finally purchased my favourite episode of Mystery Science Theatre on DVD. I stumbled across the Zombie Nightmare VHS back in high school at the old Video 99...
Ive been craving some Mag Earwhig all morning, so i had to bust out the compact disc and crank some Sad If I Lost It. The tune that...
Shady Lane Drive-In Double Feature - Anthony Micheal Hall
- 10:22:00 AM
- By Johny

It was time that John Hughes made his Shady Lane Drive-In appearance so I went with two AMH classics. Weird Science was the first film, and co worker...
This took a lot longer than I was expecting, but with a super crappy wall behind the cheap plastic shower surround, this project ended up taking more time...