What is more annoying?

All this Superbowl crap? or all this Obama hype?


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  1. Definitely the Obama thing because it is coming from a good number of people who mostly don't have a clue about politics but find it fashionable to wax philosophical because they "hate" George W. I'm not saying the guy won't do some good work, but people are sadly mistaken if they think he's going to change YEARS of a system's machinery overnight, bring peace to the middle east, pull out of Iraq, and fix the economy.

    That, and the Super Bowl hype ends Sunday at 14 days.

  2. Its clearly a case of "its not the band I hate, its their fans."

  3. I can understand people in the States being somewhat jackt, its the people I see in downtown Kitchener wearing Obama shirts. I just don't get it. Its like he is the new Tommy Hilfiger rather then the new leader of the USA.

    Lets find out if he does a good job first, before we give him a hummer....and I don't mean the gas guzzler.
