This is probably the best thing I ever read.
1- One Minute Wonder
The person who's name was called must do one of two things:
If the person who spins the quarter causes the quarter to leave the table when they hit it, they must take a drink.
If the quarter falls and lands flat before the "called" person can stop it on edge or for force it to continue spinning, then the called person must take a drink.
Terrible spinning that cause the quarter to fall immediately results in the spinner having to drink, not the person they call.
6- Task Master
Start by playing Paper, Rock, Scissor, winner becomes task master. The Task Master then picks someone else, and sets them a task. This is similar to the game "Dare", but in this case, the people involved have to be strangers or semi-strangers. The person doing the task cannot tell them the real reason for the task, either.
Tasks can be as weak as asking others to dance, to as crazy as... well, whatever the Task Master sets. However, an overly harsh Task Master will ruin the game quickly.
Failing a task means the person must consume 1/2 of their beverage.
Refusing a task means the person must consume the rest of their beverage.
Completing the task means that everyone must take a pull on their drink except for the task completer, and the task completer becomes the new Task Master.
7- one legged human statue
The competitor that can stay still the longest on one leg wins
8- Asshole
First one to get kicked out of the bar. (We don't have to do this one, just thought it would be funny)
Please note that cheating is not also allowed but encouraged.