Our work took us to Wonderland on Friday and it was beyond amazing.  I have become a Wonderland hater over the years due to being extremely spoiled by Cedar Point.  Thankfully the Cedar Group bought Wonderland and have been getting some real rides back in that park.  We also got a Fast Lane pass which is better than it sounds.  You literally walk down a different line up, straight to the front, and right onto the ride.  Within the first 20 minutes in the park we rode the new Leviathan ride twice.  Fucking amazing.

 THE ride of the night.
Liana, Pawel, and Leviathan

 Liana, Kathleen, and Chris smokin

This is probably one of my favorite pictures I have taken.  The shadows are totally cool, and then you realize the smoking shadow behind Chris is on the wrong side.  It turns out its the shadow of a different person in the same post.  I love it.  Total fluke.

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