Hands are shaking from excitement. Can hardly type at all. Limited to 1000 copies, a 180gram green version of Disco Volante. INCLUDING the rare 7" that came with...
I feel I need to counteract my previous post with a good video. From a time when popular music was actually good. ahhhhhh. Now I feel better. Heart...
There is not enough bandwidth in the world for me to do a justifiable write up on this. Ill let the video do the talking.If this is what...
So I guess I am going to my first Raptors game tomorrow. I am pretty jackt actually. Never been, and its something new. I am sure it wont...
Secret Chiefs 3 are opening up for Les Claypool in March. I cannot fuckin wait to see Secret Chiefs 3. For those who dont know, Secret Chiefs 3...
Nothing jacks me up more then getting a sweet sweet package in the mail from an equally sweet band. My Ween shirt and cups came in the mail...
Transportation officials in Texas are scrambling to prevent hackers from changing messages on digital road signs after one sign in Austin was altered to read, "Zombies Ahead."HAHAHAHA. I...
Gonna work on an edit for a Bronx music video for the hell of it tonight. Just to tickle your ass with a feather here is just the...
So on December 19th I put an order in to buy the last record from Burdocks. A wicked album called What We Do is Secret. It was a...
Here is a sweet pic I took of Keagans cat Forest. We were in the middle of a rockin party, and when I went to get something from...

All this Superbowl crap? or all this Obama hype?Discuss. ...
This is from an Exclaim article. Kinda sucks that they broke up, but to be honest, they never really topped American Water. Starlite, Bridge, and Water are amazing...
Wicked Led Zepp cover done by the mighty Ween! Filmed at the Metro in Chicago, where the last Guided By Voices shows were done. Fuckin love that place....

So I finally got around to seeing this movie. Jim told me to check it out, and with a name/premise like this I had to see it with...
I did this test animation really quickly, which is why it kinda sucks. I hope to spend more time and actually finish the entire opening narration to TEXAS...
My Rockumentary about our roadtrip to the States to see Robert Pollard. My Rockumentary about our roadtrip to the States to see Robert Pollard. ...
So here I put the song Nude with Boots by the Melvins, overtop of Tractor Rape Chain by Guided By Voices. The songs are lined up at the...
This is probably top 3 albums I have herd all year. I have yet to hear an album that is this heavy and yet so catchy. My favorite songs:...

Here are a couple posters that I have worked on. Mostly for this band Revival Dear. All done in photoshop. ...
First order of business is getting some rock on here.
- 7:50:00 PM
- By Jables
What better way to kick off this blog then by having the worlds greatest music video, by the worlds greatest band, from the worlds greatest album? What better...
"Why would anyone want to Blog?" - Howard Stern "Why would anyone want to Blog?" - Howard Stern ...