
Dean Quixote

I think I need to find this movie. The soundtrack has like 5 GBV tunes ("If We Wait", "Avalanche Aminos", "Hot Freaks", "Zoo Pie", "Psychic Pilot Clocks Out") and according to what I read they are in the movie performing. A couple Pavement, Apples in Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control and Built to Spill songs.....um.....SOLD!!

Check the trailer! GBV sighting at 2 minutes in. High kicks and all.

"Dean Quixote" --
- lost gem of the late 1990's indie film boom.
- Producer Victor Simpkins' follow-up to "Swingers"
- featuring a rare on-screen performance from the legendary Guided by Voices
- Original music from Robert Schneider (Apples in Stereo) and the Olivia Tremor Control

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