
Krazy Weekend

Karl came over Friday night and stayed until Sunday (My parents anniversary!). We had a blast drinking Pappa Orso Vino, and cranking tunes. Mostly Silver Jews. Sarah came by Saturday for a bit before going to her friends place. All in all awesome times.

We walked to Tim Hortons in the morning, and Karl spotted a big puddle and a speeding car. I was not so lucky.

Karl is also coming to Pittsburgh with us this year, and I am gonna hold him to it.

NP: Headstones - Million Days in May

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  1. Dude, I wouldn't be too offended at getting soaked like that. You were on your way to put more offensive product down your throat after all.

  2. FCKYA!!! a Krazy Karl sighting in the Burgh?!?! YES!
