

 Had another Degrassi High marathon, and finished it here with Schools Out.  

 Busted out an old Change of Heart record.  A clean shaven Ian Blurton.

 This is still waiting for the new GBV record.  The clear vinyl will work perfectly with my Rune slip mat.

 I fucking love this album.  This is also the 3rd most expensive vinyl I have, right behind GBV BOX, and Faith No Mores King For A Day...Fool For A Lifetime.  I had someone offer me 200 bucks for this album....could not do it.

 Got the new GBV cd at Encore.

 A LOT of used GBV/Pollard/Circus Devils/Lifeguards/etc.

 Had a killer BBQ Saturday night.  Steak.  Beer.  Peppers.  Potatoes.

 Slowly growing on me...

 Roof of my car.  I love my Malk...clearly.

Jim sent me this image.  He set up his aquarium, and Jess had the awesome idea of putting Jims old Night of the Living Dead poster behind it.  I hate fish beyond words, but this makes me want to do the same and get a tank for myself.

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  1. hey, where did you get that GBV slipmat?!?! that is awesome.
