I had 10 minutes to kill before 5 o clock yesterday, so I read an oral history on the movie Kids. I then had 2 minutes to kill...
I managed to drag this beast into the house and up the stairs with minimal dings to the walls. It still smells kind of like sealer, which helped...
We spent all day Sunday outside, and topped it off with a visit from Graham and had a BBQ. ...
I woke up early Saturday and started to take apart one more skid in the backyard. I called Papa B to come bring his saw and cut some...

I had a massive pile of guacamole to use up before it went bad, so we made up a taco salad. I love my Coleman Grill. ...
In honour of the 40th anniversary of this classic, Apollo will be showing Taxi Driver tonight! I am pretty fired up as I really love this movie. Everyone...
Here is the final art for my Pittsburgh road trip mix. April Ghouls here I come! Original artwork by Luke Thomas. ...

Thank God we had some left over pulled pork frozen in the freezer cuz we made some bad ass tacos last night. I think I could eat guac...
I ripped off a piece of paper, and sketched an idea for a headboard using some of the pallets we took from the factory out back. Now its...
What a weekend! This weather was so damn great that I hardly touched my couch. Spent most of the time outside having BBQs or working on my latest...