Snagged some more CDs from my sweet Encore. There have been so many albums released this year, that I fear how shitty 2018 will be, ...
Treephones has a sweet ass button maker at work, so he dropped a couple off in my mailbox. ...

Ned and I hit up The Cribs show at Lee's last night and it was fucking awesome. People were singing, and dancing, and body surfing. Toronto, is that...
I took a little road trip down the 401 to Tilbury to hang with Matt for his 35th birthday. We had some beerce, and downed some burgs, and...
There are too many damn albums that have either come out, or yet to come out this year. Not that I am complaining. ...
Squeezing in as much firepit cooking as I can before the cold weather hits. Cold weather naps ...
I have been reading the book, I have read every article I could over the course of this production, and I even visited a couple of the film...
Spent the long weekend chilling out at home for the most part. Hit up the Apollo to see Good Time, which was kind of heavy and a bummer,...