
Labour Day Hangs

Spent the long weekend chilling out at home for the most part.  Hit up the Apollo to see Good Time, which was kind of heavy and a bummer, but good.  Saturday Treephones came over for Hard Core Logo and Stand By Me which was great.  I found a whole new love for HCL.  Sunday was laid back, and Monday was spent out back slow cooking some ribs and reading IT.  

Momma B came by and painted these sweet ass walls.  

IMG_3227 from Johny Bekavac on Vimeo.

Treephones snapped this.  Hesher sleeps with one eye open when Treephones is around

I had a "Back to School" slasher marathon while it rained outside
This crazy looking cicada was found inside my firepit. 

What is amazing about this bug, was when I moved it to my bird feeder, it changed colours to mimic its surroundings.  I could barely find it when I went looking for it.  I guess its bright teal and mint colouring in the firepit photo was to match the colours of the surrounding lawn chairs. I am no expert, but thats what It seems like.

Added some lights to my liquor chest

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