
jPod 500

 I never lost my love of my jPod as I am extremely anal when it comes to "my" music. Streaming has its place I suppose, but there is something to be said for having YOUR music collection in your pocket sans internet and algorithms. For years I have told myself I would one day update my iPod with an iFlash drive, and this past Christmas seemed like the perfect time to treat myself.

I debated installing 1TB but that seemed excessive as the entire jTunes collection on my jMac is around 500gb.  On top of that, I did some reading and turns out the 7th generation classic only has the ability to shuffle 50000 songs based on its internal ram, so unless I had nothing but flac files, there is no reason to have 1TB.  I do have three spare SD slots should I want to do such things though. 

The main issue I had was buying the wrong SD cards.  Turns out the two SanDisc cards I got worked, but many songs would skip, and eventually the iPod would stall. I did some more digging and found a list of tried and tested cards which can be found on the iFlash website. I purchased a 512gb Samsung card from Amazon, and since then there has been zero issues! Knock on wood.

I bought a new battery from an eBay seller and it was a piece of junk. The charge didn't even last a couple of hours. I reinstalled my OG battery until my new big capacity battery arrives in the mail. From the testings I have seen, that battery should last a month of regular use before needing a charge.

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