
Friday The 13th

So I finally got around to seeing this movie.  I must say they did not reinvent the wheel with this movie, and I think that is the greatest compliment.  Finally taking Jason back to Crystal Lake where he belongs.  No body switching (although I like Jason Goes To Hell), no space (I hated Jason X and refuse to even acknowledge it as part of the franchise) , and no Freddy (although I love Freddy.)  I dont understand why the "hardcores" are bitching about this movie.  Lets run down the list shall we? Jason, check.  Hot girls, check. Naked hot girls, check. Pretty sweet killings, check.  Annoying as fuck characters that you cannot wait to see die, check.  

This pretty much runs through the entire series.  So quit yr bitching, and just be happy Jason is back at Crystal Lake where he belongs.....even if he did kill Mrs. Modano....I will not hold that against him.

P.S. To the couple 3 seats over.  Next time you are gonna have a big fight, and talk about breaking up, you wanna maybe take it to the lobby next time so the rest of us can enjoy some good slashin?  Where is Jason when you really need em?

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