

So I went to Orange monkey to look for the new Trail of Dead.  No dice.  This is not a good sign.  I figure that at least Encore will have it! Nothing.  Al at the counter checks for me and tells me that it is delayed until March 3rd.  Al did however somehow remeber a couple weeks ago when I asked why they never have THE WHO SELL OUT on cd.  Before I knew it he ran over and grabbed a freshly delivered copy and put it in my hands. at $10.99 it was hard to not wanny buy this gem.  THANKS AL!  While I was looking at the vinyl section, I noticed they just got in a copy of the new vinyl version of Pauls Boutique by the Beastie Boys.  I was so pumped up that I had to buy it.  PB is easily one of the greatest, and most flawless albums ever fuckin created.  As I type I am listening to a tune that samples drums from Zepp, and guitar riffage from Alice Cooper......need I say more? 

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  1. great album which can't be listened to on shuffle with any justice.
    that's not a bad thing...

  2. yes, indeed! like any Pavement record...should not be shuffled.

    Funny...I remember when it came out, I was fresh outta high school. I remember most "fans" at the time ripping it, saying it was "no LtI". They were right...it's better.

    I was cool, tho. So, hence, I digged it :)
