Pittsburgh Weekend: Saturday/Sunday

I am far too tired/hungover to do a full write up, which sucks cuz I had such a blast this weekend. Ill just point out some awesome shit:

-Played soccer in the morning and sweat out a lot of toxins.
-had the most insane sandwich, which was chicken, tomato, coleslaw and fries. It was nuts.
-had a wicked party saturday night, where a lot of cool people came out.
-did you know? Bendy Straws are called Flexible Straws in the US of A.
-went to the DAWN OF THE DEAD mall. It was really awesome and surreal. Felt like I have been there before.
-went to Kennywood, which had a buncha rides and roller coasters. This was also where the movie Adventureland was filmed.
-had a shit load of beer, and campfires, and Klondike Bars.
-miss Jess, Gary, and Stiffler.

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