
The weekend started just as always, with a sweet BBQ at the Frat Pad. Made a shitload of hot dogs, and I bought a flat of Bud tallboys....
"Whats with all the Billy Joel dude?" - Amy Metcalf ...
A handful of Tricky Woo live videos!!! SO JACKT!! ...
Gonna post a photo from my BlackBerry every day....why not...bored. Mind you this one is from a couple weeks ago. ...
I want to, nay, need to see this movie! ...
Just cuz Expressway To Yr Skull is the best Youth tune ever made, and Malkmus is god. Ibold pumps me up too. ...
Why the FUCK didnt they play this at the Buffalo show. Oh, right, Kruppa woulda fucking lost his mind...thats why. ...
Watch The Bronx and other great gigs on Moshcam. Watch The Bronx and other great gigs on Moshcam. ...

So I spent the last two days in Toronto at a Tradeshow showing off the App our company developed. It was really fun hanging out and what not,...