

The weekend started just as always, with a sweet BBQ at the Frat Pad. Made a shitload of hot dogs, and I bought a flat of Bud tallboys. Off to the races! I was able to leave work an hour early in an attempt to beat the insane friday traffic to Toronto. Windows down, tunes up, big smiles....BAM! Traffic.

This picture was taken on the 427, giving you an idea of the average speed I was going. I left work a little bit before 4, and arrived at Axls house around 6:40 or so.

We started boozing, and hung out with Ed a little bit, then Scott came over. We bought some drinks to the park across the street and played some soccer. After this we hit up Disgraceland where I met my other buddy there. It was metal night so it was a blast. Played some pool until we scored the window seat right out front. My leg at this point was starting to get gross. I somehow was given the new Soulfly cd from the DJ chick, and it was at this seat that Scott took it and slapped it as hard as he could against my leg scab. It was incredibly painfull but funny. I dont know why I asked him to do it. The cd was then covered in my leg puss. Mmmmm.
We walked home around 330 or so, and made some pizza and passed out. Woke up the next day and had breakie. Took a walk and hit up some patio that served all gluton free food and booze. Kinda good, for me anyway. Took a couple street cars and met up with Scott and his friend at the Mill St. Brewery. Drank a bunch, and had some pretty awesome butter chicken and rice. By this point it was 7 or so and I had to make my way back to KW for Kim and Michelles birthday party.

Got home around 10ish and quickly downed 4 or 5 tallboys and took a cab to McMullins. After that we hit the Duke where Columbian Dave and all were there. Then the Jane Bond where I pulled a Chicago and took off like the wind after one beer. All in all a good time.

Lookin for somethin to do today....if anyone has any ideas hit me up. Woo.

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