Enjoy!Foo Fighters in Buffalo from Ragman Productions on Vimeo. ...
Just bought these at the Foo Fighters show this past Sunday. I laughed hard and had to own them. ...
Things are slow on Nate Corner cuz things are fast in Jaybes Land. I am in the middle of moving and working all week. Updates on my mundane...
OBTAINED: Sept 21, 2011. TorontoSTORY: Ned, Michelle, Laura and I hit up the Phoenix to see the Mighty Malk. Awesome show. Played the entire new album, except for...
It has been years since a movie has blown me away like this. Drop everything and go see it. Fucking incredible. ...
So yeah, we got jackt for the GBV show.... ...
Part Chimp & Torche - split 12" pre-order From http://www.chunklet.com/:Five years ago, during SXSW, Chunklet put on a 20 band bill in two parking lots in north Austin....
While watching a documentary on Video Nasties, I came across the trailer for BLOOD FEAST. The man doing the disclaimer at the start pumped me up and I...
They do a bad ass Van Halen coverThis....whatever the fuck it is.....doing one of their best tunesThey know a girl named StaceyThey make Led Zepplin sound goodThey wrote...
Tim Hortons and Williams LARGE coffee comparison. Are they changing sizes at these places? Are we slowly turning into 'merica? ...

OBTAINED: Circa 2002, Ned or Tonys wardrobeSTORY: A NICKELS FOR YOUR NIGHTMARES era t shirt. The front used to say HEADSTONES, and still does I suppose, so long...

OBTAINED: Circa 2003, unknown live showSTORY: Probably one of my favorite shirts that I have, so much so that I very rarely wear it. We saw The Illuminati...

THE ORIGINALOBTAINED: Circa 1999, Internet, ex-girlfriendSTORY: An old girlfriend bought this for me for my birthday.WEAR: Gilden curseTHE REMASTEROBTAINED: Circa 2010, InternetSTORY: They did not have my size...
OBTAINED: Circa 1997, Detroit, St Andrews HallSTORY: A whole car load of us went to Detroit to see Pavements Terror Twilight tour. Bought this there. Good times. I...
OBTAINED: Circa 2005, The InternetSTORY: My favorite album of all time from my favorite band of all time. A no brainer really.WEAR: I sometimes forget I own this...
OBTAINED: Circa 2010, The InternetSTORY: We went to the 4 Pavement shows in Central Park NYC, and I ran out of extra spending money for shirts. Thankfully these...

OBTAINED: Circa 2006, Neds WardrobeSTORY: This is one of Neds shirts, that somehow got mixed up with mine, but I loved too much to formally return. Its from...
What the fuck are the chances of having two Roddys in one room? ...
One of the videos I took from this past weekend. Laura getting attacked by like 50 flies, and their bite killed.The Swarm from Ragman Productions on Vimeo. ...
Touring has done them good. They sound better, heavier, and tighter than ever. This is the most bad ass version of Pricks I have ever herd.PUNK ROCK ...
Their new DVD "CLUB" is out, and I totally got my dates wrong. I need to get my hands on this asap.Here is Wheelchair Epidemic taken from said...
As much as I hate gray weather (more than two consecutive days anyway) I am pretty jackt to wear my favorite hoodie. ...
Oh man! I totally forgot about this book. Due to my recent Beavis and Butthead kick, I decided to hit up eBay and buy this book that I...
Here it is! Final animation. Probably my favorite thing I have animated to date. Gary & Jess Variety Hour [Final Intro Animation] from THE LAST JOHNY ON THE...
After the Drive In Friday night, we left early Saturday for Laura's family trailer by Rondeau Park. Fucking awesome times. Hit the beach, then had a massive, and...

Holy fuck! I cannot believe I waited so long to go here. Such a blast! ...

I am Downloading every episode of Beavis and Butthead. I just came across an episode where they rip into Pavements "Cut Your Hair." This show is like a...