Spent the most of the night last night cranking halloween tunes and carving pumpkins. FKYA! My Halloween III soundtrack came in the mail just in time! Lauras pumpkin...
Sunday: Lunch and Laundry at parents house, go fix aunts washer, go show Michelle how to torrent, help install a new stove vent at Ned and Michelle's, go home...
Had a fun little Saturday this weekend. Hit up Ethyls for pitchers and food with Bones, met up with his folks and Adrian at DVLB, hit up Failte for a...
OK! I think I finally got it. After my first horribly burnt attempt, I think I finally figured out this pizza stone shit. The key elements being crank...
The search is over, thanks to Ned for the Bed Bath and Beyond tip. Pizza stones rule, but heed my warning...let the pizza cool off. My tongue feels shredded and...