

Had a fun little Saturday this weekend.  Hit up Ethyls for pitchers and food with Bones, met up with his folks and Adrian at DVLB, hit up Failte for a couple more pints.  Walked through the Waterloo Zombie Walk and took a wicked video for my Halloween montage.  Spent the evening at Jim and Jess' playing Euchre and getting drunk with Gagne.  Good times!

Free Mill St. shirt with a pitcher at Ethyls


I went to Orange Monkey again to see if they have the new METZ, but still nothing.  Encore doesn't have it either.  So I bought the new Godspeed You! Black Emperor album.

A still from the video I took of the Zombie walk.  This dude was really into it.  It was awesome.

Zombie walk.

This dude is a little too convincing as a zombie.  Starting to think its real.

Laura sent me this from her Detroit marathon.

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