
Cinema 4D

As a "Motion Graphics Designer" I have always felt down about not knowing anything about 3D animation, so I am teaching myself Cinema 4D when I have spare time. Here are two things I worked on this week after following a Greyscale Gorilla tutorial. I hope to play with this program a lot more and get better at it.

These animations are very basic, and I am sure in a years time I will be embarrassed by how bad they are, but for now I am really excited about what you can do with this program.  I feel I have reached the peak of my After Effects skills, so I need to learn this shit.

Sleepaway Camp [Cinema 4D test] from THE LAST JOHNY ON THE LEFT on Vimeo.

Ragman Tiles [C4D test] from THE LAST JOHNY ON THE LEFT on Vimeo.

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