
Jeremy Is Going to Cheer Up Peru

Friday night we had some people over and watched a backyard movie, Club Dread.  Took it rather easy knowing we had to to a shit load of stuff the next day before hitting Toronto for Jeremy's going away party.  Laura and I packed a cooler and went to Jeremy's, and then walked to Axls house.  We hung out, cranked tunes, and had a BBQ.  Once Axl went to bed around 1, we went upstairs and partied with Scotty and Katlynne til about 4am.  Too fun.  The next day Laura and I hit the Grand River to go Canoeing.  Super fun weekend.  Crashed HARD Sunday though.

The bugs came out so Jeremy and Laura put on some of Axl's clothes.  Laura wearing Axl's jogging pants as a dress was a big hit.



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