I watched the season opener of SNL this past Saturday and I was stoked to see that Kyle Mooney has joined the cast. This guy has been making...
Oh baby! I threw a pork shoulder into the crock pot late Saturday night for some Sunday goodness. What resulted was some pretty delicious pulled pork nachos. Dry...
This is pretty damn great. This is the entire movie Pulp Fiction, told in order or events, and in cartoon animations. Too cool. ...
I just took a stroll to Future Shop and picked up the two disc set of In Utero (I plan on getting the vinyl at Encore or Orange...

I say this every damn time, but this really is the last time I buy this damn movie. It seems like every year they re release this movie,...

Gary emailed me a photo of another kick ass autograph he got for me from a recent horror convention. This time its Junior from Last House on the...

The big day has come! Laura finally got a car. We spent a summer with her using my car to go to work, and me borrowing Pappa B's...

I got some more mail today, and this time its the new Sebadoh album. Joyful Noise, the record label, really knows how to put together a package. Inside...

I just found this awesome mix tape in my closet. I made this back in 2001 I think in my Fanshawe College days, when I had no cable....
I have always loved the look and layout of the Arts and Crafts album covers. The colour striped down the left side leading to the A&C logo, and...

Looks like the poster I made for Vagrancy Films have been turned into flyers which have been posted around London. ...
As horrible as it is that summer is over, nothing feels better than the fall time. I am a human furnace who never stops sweating, so this cool...
Some good tunes are rolling out this fall season. I have Faith No More's Album of the Year on order which I am super stoked about. I am...

I found these while cleaning up my computer. I made them in my spare time for the fun of it. ...