HOLY FUCK! I forgot about this tune. Classic mid 90s Can Rock. So glad those were my formative years. ...
One of my favorite times of year is when Norm goes on Letterman. Funniest man alive. ...
Head to your local record store and pick up the new Obits album. Their debut is pretty kick ass so I am excited about this one. I still...
I remember coming home from school and watching the best show ever made. The Wedge. I feel bad for the kids watching shitty Much Music these days. ...
Fuck ya! That time of year! Spring Mix 2011 Fuck ya! That time of year! Spring Mix 2011 ...
Big fan of this band and a big fan of After Effects/animation as a whole. So this video gets me wet.Buy it in April.Times New Viking - No...
I am really digging this new Fucked Up tune. Had it on repeat a good portion of the morning. Download yourself a copy!http://davidcomestolife.com/announcement.html ...
If you are looking for some good fucking canadian rock n roll check out THE MERCY NOW. The singer is from Shikasta, a legendary can rock band. If...
Well, I never seen this before!The Headstones "Tiny Teddy" from Craig Cooper on Vimeo. ...
It is almost 9 o Clock. Taking a break and watching The Warriors and eating some pizza. Might be time for a Baileys laced coffee. mmmmmm. It is...
Watch this entire GBV show from 96 ...
So today was pretty eventful! I got tickets to GBV for both nights, which put me at ease. Once I got back to work (I bought tickets at...
So tickets for both shows went on sale today at noon. I was in a meeting pretty much all morning and got out a little bit after 11....
This Guided By Voices songs has to be on my top 58 GBV songs of all time. ...
Sure I hate St Pattys, but I like beer. Green or not. Sure calling Coors "beer" is questionable to some, but you guys can eff off.s ...
I know its totally lame and nerdy of me, but its kinda cool seeing a video I made featured on NME.com. I know its totally lame and nerdy...
Liana just gave this pin to me. Its funny because Axl constantly makes fun of me for "drawing pictures all day" for work. Love it. Liana just gave...
I had no idea this EP existed. I guess the one dude from Built to Spill recorded a couple BTS songs as a new wave type band. Just...
Thanks to Tonez for the heads up. ...
Sat on my floor last night working on a mixed tape. So far on Side A is Mogwai, Stephen Malkmus, Versoma, The Soft Boys, Modest Mouse, and Sonic...

I was packing up my bag to go home when I looked at my Jason figure thats on top of my speaker.....someone put him in this hilarious pose....

I just found a bunch of pictures online from my Hotmail account. Blast from the past!"Singing" with GBVRocking out to Goat Horn at Call The Office. Funshawe Cottage...
I am pretty excited to get my hands on this documentary. ...
its almost 9. Friday. Still at work animating and rendering like a mother fucker. CRANKING the album MWNG from Super Furry Animals.FKYA ...
I been cranking the latest BURNING LOVE album a good part of the day and its kicking my ass. Think Cursed [Singers previous band] mixed with Bronx and...
Ian Blurton, Canadian Rock God, played a show with prick job from DFA1979, as well as Nick from the mighty BRUTAL KNIGHTS. Fucked Up cover song. ...
Gelande Quaffing from Expeer Visual on Vimeo. Gelande Quaffing from Expeer Visual on Vimeo. ...
ITS HERE! ITS FINISHED! Just in time for the Picksburgh! ...
Its Fat Tuesday at PineLake...which is no different from Fat Monday, Fat Wednesday, Fat Thursday, and Fat Friday. ...
Does Guinness Beer Taste Better in Ireland? ScienceDaily (Mar. 6, 2011) — A new study in the Journal of Food Science provides some limited scientific evidence to support...
Just putting the finishing touches on a very special DVD. The Ragman Triple Feature will have my 3 documentary videos based on my 3 major trips of last...

I just came across this album on my daily search for "new shit to listen to."Whats pretty fucking kick ass about this record is that two of the...
NP: Wire - Three Girl Rhumba (BTW....did Elastica totally rip off this song??) NP: Wire - Three Girl Rhumba (BTW....did Elastica totally rip off this song??) ...

Here you go Adrian....This was always so hard to do so I told myself I have to make a top 10 list within 5 minutes. No over thinking....
I just realized after a good 10 to 15 years of pure hate, just how fucking good the debut Oasis album is. "Cigarettes & Alcohol", "Rock n Roll...
I was at the folks last night doing laundry, and realized how much I missed my cds. They were packed away in the basement in a couple boxes....