I threw this together yesterday afternoon. Forbidden Planet from THE LAST JOHNY ON THE LEFT on Vimeo. ...
Big day! My Death Waltz animation has made it to the new www.deathwaltzrecordingcompany.com website. I am pretty damn excited/proud of this one. ...
I took a time lapse video from our Windsor hotel last weekend on my iPhone. I took the original shot and played around with it in After Effects...
Tomorrow, the 24th, iTunes will be putting out the new documentary on Death. I have been looking forward to this movie for a couple months now, and it...
Just a quick video to tickle your ass with a feather. The crue is hitting Chicago in a couple weeks for fun times and Tomahawk. Chi-Town from THE...
This long weekend Laura and I went to Mark and Kristens wedding in Dearborn Michigan. By far one of the better weddings I have been to. It was...