A sweet jam for a sweet day off. I was cleaning out my work desk when I came across a Deerhunter album which I had not listened to...
Today is the last day at this great office of ours. As usual, I forgot that today is the last day so I have a lot of packing...
PUMPKINS!!! The best part of fall is that Hesher needs some body heat during these cold days so she sleeps on me a lot. My buddy. ...
My buddy Steve is releasing an album he recorded which is the soundtrack/companion album to a comic he and his friend have created. Steve got a hold of...

Sub Pop has just reissued the debut album from Pissed Jeans, and they made a video for the killer jam BORING GIRLS. Crank this shits. Buy this shits....
My trusty jPod was on shuffle this morning during my morning commute, and Sonic Youth came on. This tune put a big goofy happy smile on my face....
I took the previous VHS art I made for this years JBTV Special, and did something new with it. I found several clear sheets of paper I bought...