After Effects Filmic Pro 11:27:00 AM By Johny 0 Comments I bought that Filmic Pro app for my iPhone because I wanted to shoot some footage in 24fps but I didn't want to splurge on an expensive camera. I shot some test footage to try to get the hang of all the settings. #After Effects #Filmic Pro #Motion Graphics #MSI #Premiere #Video Work Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Newer Post Older Post You Might Also Like Ms. 45 Title CardJohny Mono - A Shady Lane Drive-In ...Filmic Pro and Red GiantWalking the EdgeThe BurningThe Lost Highway: Conan the Barbari...Ms. 45 Title CardJohny Mono - A Shady Lane Drive-In ...Filmic Pro and Red GiantWalking the EdgeThe BurningThe Lost Highway: Conan the Barbari... 0 comments