
Built Goes On

I decided to go to Beat Goes On to get two Supergass cds. While there I found that awesome Chavez set as well. Ned got it for me for Christmas a couple of years back and it kicks fucking ass. The problem is the DVD is currently misplaced. Seeing it for sale for 11 bucks, I found it hard to not pick it up, should that DVD never show up again. I guess the dude working there saw me getting Chavez and suggested I take a look at a new pile of CDs that was going to be put out. He said there were 300 cds and I should take a look. Whoever sold these CDs should be slapped. Pavement, Mogwai, Sebadoh, GBV, Pixies, etc etc etc. I wanted to buy half of them, and the other half I already owned. I managed, somehow, to get a hold of myself and only buy the 3 Built to Spill albums that I did not own. I am currently fighting the urge to go back and buy more.

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