One Way Static: The Hills Have Eyes

The folks at One Way Static Records just unleashed the teaser video I made for them for their upcoming release of The Hills Have Eyes soundtrack!

One Way Static Records Presents: The Hills Have Eyes from THE LAST JOHNY ON THE LEFT on Vimeo.
This section regarding the font is for the Photoshop/Font dorks like me.

The font used in the original credit sequence, seen above, has been used in several movies from the 70s, and even in Tarantino's Death Proof.  I looked everywhere for this font, and could not find it.  I decided to take screenshots from the HD version of The Hills Have Eyes, and photoshopped out each letter.

Here is one of the screen shots I took

 In Photoshop I could take the text and convert to black and white.  I would crank the levels so you get a rather crisp looking font as seen above.  I then used the wand for the letter I needed and coloured it yellow, then saved it out as its own PSD file.

Here is the letter "C"

 This was taken halfway through collecting letters to spell out "One Way Static"

  The final PSD file for the One Way Static Presents title card

Here are the letters I have collected.  For the missing letters I will have to create them on my own.

Here are two examples of title cards that were used in the final animation.

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