

This weekend was pretty fun for the simple fact that we did almost nothing.  After a couple of big trips, and a broken car, I needed a weekend off from spending.  Friday night Jim, Jess, Dave and Kate came and hung out with Laura and I.  Drinks and patio and firepit and tunes.

Saturday we finally got a BBQ.  The big issue however, was that the box would not fit in the clown car.  I had the bright idea of opening the box at the store and putting in all the pieces of the BBQ into my car.  The problem is we sliced our hands open on the sharp metal edge of the BBQ.  We got it home though, so that is good.

 I got more patio lights.

 I ate watermellon and watched old 90210 episodes on Netflix.  Valerie Malone, my first true love.

Took almost two fkn hours, but the BBQ is now up and running.

  The cut.

 The repair.

The next day.

I got my Mr Bungle tape in the mail!

After talking to Nick in Pitts about the bands Love and Death, I got all jackt and threw on my Death vinyl.  Good rock record.

I cranked Chavez.  These are the days I am happy there is no one living below us anymore.  

 I also got some vinyl in the mail.  The Men 7" from the Matador Singles Club, as well as another Discogs.com find, On Top by Rye Coalition.  INCREDIBLE album.  I cannot believe I found it for 8 bucks.  So happy.

Framed some posters I bought at Monroeville Mall. 

 Once they were almost human!

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