Jables' Top 15 Fave Can-Rock. (Part II)

Here we go with numbers 10 through 5.

Number 10:The Hardship Post.
Another Murderecords alumni, until they moved on to the mighty Sub Pop. Saw these guys at the Edgefest festival back in the summer of 94 or 95. The drummer just quit that day but they went on anyway with one of the most awesome, hilarious, and weirdiest shows ever. I just got their album Somebody Spoke on vinyl this week. Only 7 bucks new from subpop.com. GET ON IT!!

It would seem their video for MY ONLY AIM is not on youtube...balls!

Number 9: Local Rabbits
Yet ANOTHER Murderecords band. Can you tell I am obsessed? The Rabbits' first album is probably my fave, mainly because its the one that got me into them. Saw them play the Korova Cafe in downtown Kitchener back in grade 9 or 10. Paid 5 bucks to see the Rabbits, Super Friendz and Thrush Hermit. One of the best shows ever. I still have the cassette I bought from this show.

Number 8: Sloan
Seems fitting that the owners of Murderecords be on this list. There was a time, probably back in grade 8, when Sloan was to me my faveorite band, save for FNM who will always be my number one. I do like pretty much everything they put out, except for the last album which I never really got into, but everything up until One Chord to Another is fuckin gold. Check out this video from that album in which they recreate a scene from Easy Rider.

Number 7: Danko Jones
LOVE LOVE LOVE my Danko. When it comes to this list I have probably seem Danko the most, except for maybe the band in the number 3 slot. Awesome live shows, and always a drunkin blast.

Number 6: C'mon
Actually now that I think about it I think Cmon is the band i have seem the most times live. They are always a blast to see live. Seen them so many times that we have a life time membership on the guest list. Its probably due to all the shots of Jager we buy them.

NOT CLOSE ENOUGH (The Bonus Video):
Inbreds - Any Sense of Time
I really really love this album, but I never got into anything after this so I didn't see it fitting that they crack the top 15. Incredible tune tho.

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  1. Since Nate Corner hasn't delivered on his Top 5, I'll list it for him:

    5. April Wine
    4. Frozen Ghost
    3. Glass Tiger
    2. Honeymoon Suite
    1. Loverboy
